Thursday, June 28, 2012


One moment, one chance connection
One vision, one stolen stare
One cover, one dance, one lover
One vision, one answered prayer

Saturday, June 9, 2012

A Cockeyed Optimist

There is something that I want more than anything. At least more than anything I have wanted in a very long time. I am ready to be on stage again. The last community theatre production I was on stage for was…um…a very long time ago. Even though it has been many moons since my last appearance on stage I have remained very close to my theatre family. In the last few years I have directed, choreographed, and assisted back stage.

Now, there is one show that I have wanted to be in every since I saw the movie as a child. It was a favorite of my grandfather, and thus and favorite of my whole family. I have given some not so subtle hints to the local director. Hints like, “…you know, I only have a few more years in me to play a sexy Lutellen.”

I don’t believe rumors in this town. People will tell you anything you want to hear. However, I have heard from more than one source that my dream may come true. Will I get the part I want? Doubtful. Let’s face it. I’m not nearly as young as I think I am. However, I plan to give it my best shot. Six months out. Preparation starts now.

So on this enchanted evening, while I’m still mending on the couch, I think I’ll have a Bloody Mary. ;) You like?

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

I knew it would...

Well. It finally happened. After thousands and thousands of miles on my bike I finally took a spill. Don’t worry…I’ll live.
I really need to come up with a better story. :/ But when I have told fellow riders what happened they all tell me that they have been there. So I don’t feel totally ashamed. Okay. Here is the break down. I was a little over two miles in to my ride. I was leaving town on my way to my south loop that takes me past the industrial park and eventually over to Claremont before coming back to Ste. Marie Road.
South Whittle Ave. has never been my favorite stretch of road. It is one of two options to get out of town to the south. As I was approaching the highway the road narrows and there is NO shoulder. Hearing traffic coming from behind I moved to the side of the road…like any good biker. The traffic passed but I could not move back to the left. I was dangerously close to the edge of the road. I was looking at it but could not move away. In an instant I was of the road (several inch drop off) and got flipped back onto the pavement. I stayed under the bike and slid for a good while. I also hit my head. Hard.
I’ll spare you too many details, but there was blood everywhere. First thought: get the bike. Second thought: Am I okay. Luckily there was someone working near where I went down who came to my aid and helped me get off the road. Yes, then I passed out. Thinking I needed stitches I called for someone to pick me up and take me to the hospital. Several hours later I’m all mended. I hurt. I am pretty buggered up on my left side.
I’ll get back on…just as soon as I can move my hip without crying.

And this isn't even the bad part.  :)

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Sometimes I laugh so hard I fall off...

This summer break is off to a fantastic start! I am well underway to reach my summer fitness goal. I started running. I have always wanted to be a runner. I envied those who I would see running down the street. I would see them and go home to jump on the treadmill. This always ended in failure. Seldom would I reach a mile. One mile!! I knew what the problem was. Weight. So…it took a while but I am at an acceptable weight.

Last week a friend and I joined a local gym. My friend needs to gain weight and definition. I want to lose ten more pounds and look better naked. So…one week in and we’re both pleased. The first morning I went I decided to just hit the treadmill. I get a little overwhelmed and self -conscious so this was a safe start. I got on. I hit start. I plugged in my ear buds. And somehow I ended up running three miles! Three! Maybe it was because I was watching Will & Grace. Or maybe it was because there was a little picture of a track showing where I was. Either way I was thrilled. I could never do that in my basement.

I go twice a day. In the morning I run alone. In the evening I go with my friend and to strength stuff. Will I keep it up? I sure hope so. I enjoy the heck out of it.

In other news…I think my mother has started drinking. J

Tonight I received a txt from her mentioning how much she enjoyed looking at the newly mowed lawn from the “veranda.” Last time I checked it was just a breezeway. But apparently you give her one Mint Julep and it becomes a veranda.

Well…I suppose I should make my way out to the lanai. Cheers.

Monday, May 28, 2012


I am becoming the person that I have always wished I was. :)

I want to run.
I am not intimidated by the gym.
I am reading everyday.
I can see (almost) where I want to be.

And it is still May!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Lancelot, we are knights.

“Love is friendship that has caught fire. It is quiet understanding, mutual confidence, sharing and forgiving. It is loyalty through good and bad times. It settles for less than perfection and makes allowances for human weaknesses.”

 -- Ann Landers

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


I’d like to leave this world with a little more love than I found it.

It seems like a lofty ambition, but I promise it’s not. Each day, we get so many opportunities to share our good vibes with the world around us. There are a thousand little moments that we can fill with love.

These moments are so common that they’re easy to overlook – and the loving gestures can be so small that they’re seemingly insignificant. It’s smiling at the elderly woman in the food market. Or reminding a friend that you care about them. It’s saying hi to the person you pass on the street. Or stopping to pet a dog. It’s recognizing your love for this planet by picking up a piece of litter. Or even silently acknowledging the light you see in the eyes of a stranger.

The thing that’s great about love is the more you give it away, the more you get in return. The world is like a big mirror and I guess it makes sense; the energy you put out into the universe tends to come back to you in like form.

As you go about your day, consider this a gentle reminder to fill your moments with love.